Tutorial Projects




Podcast Episode 3 with Teona Gogichaishvili & Ka Kem about Cultural Appropriation

In this episode, Annegret Calaminus talks to two interesting people about a topic that is both important and not entirely straightforward: cultural appropriation. What it actually is, what is “allowed” and what is not, who decides - many questions, many answers. Teona Gogichaishvili and Ka Kem help us to get a clearer picture.


At the K20

IMAGINE PEACE - A homage to Yoko Ono

This workshop explored the world of artist and activist Yoko Ono, featuring a visit to her solo exhibition "Yoko Ono. Music of the Mind" at K20 in Düsseldorf.

Participants engaged with over 200 exhibits, including installations, films, and music, gaining insight into Ono's conceptual and participatory art. After the exhibition, they created their own artworks inspired by Ono's approach, experimenting and reflecting on how art can serve as a voice for peace.

This workshop successfully fostered creativity and a sense of community, while sharing Ono's powerful message.


At the MKS

Alice in Scaryland  - The Theater and Film Project with Refugee Children and Young People

The Alice in Scaryland theater and film project was a success in both an artistic and educational sense. Through the combination of creative design, language learning and teamwork, the project offered the participants a special experience and awakened their curiosity and enjoyment of theater and film.

The project was developed in cooperation with WTT


At the MKS

Photography Extended

Experimental photo laboratory with natural materials

Photo lab without chemicals? What do black tea, beetroot juice and photography have in common? Here are a few impressions from my last photo workshop: Photography Extended - Experimental photo lab with natural materials. 


The focus of the workshop was on experimenting with "analogue photo filters" that are developed with the help of natural materials. Together we have also treated unique photo creations in a sustainable way and experimented the different techniques.

The workshop was realized in the framework of KUBI - Cultural Education Remscheid.

"Homeland - Europe" - A book project with refugees from Ukraine

In November and December 2022, the Wilhelm Fabry Museum hosted a photo workshop entitled "Homeland Europe". A workshop for people from Ukraine who had to leave their homeland for a time or maybe even forever...

In the course of this workshop, a book was created, which is now presented.


Hardly anything is better suited than photography to capture our homeland in all its differences and similarities and to show what makes it worth living and loving. This is another reason why the multilingual medium of photography was the linchpin of the "Heimat" project in Hilden.


The focus was on photos from the personal past that have a deep emotional meaning: Photos that can recall an entire history in memory. Originally intended as a personal memento, as evidence of what has been experienced and for communication, they now become ciphers for what has been painfully left behind. Countless of these images were brought out, discussed and finally selected for a collaborative book.


The book is published by Morisel Verlag, Munich, and will be available at the book presentation.

The project was realized with the help of the funding program "Sonnenstunden".


"Magic Fashion" - one of our summer art projects for refugee children and youth from Ukraine


Parallel World -  Photo Group MASKERADE

Our photo group has received this year's photo group award of the German Youth Photo Award! Congratulations to all participants!


Our photo group: Shirin, Omar, Amir, Akram, Shio, Gregor, Frizzi, Clara, Mia & Daria:-)


Stranger Things

A workshop together with photographer Max Slobodda in the framework of NEXT Festival of Young Photoscene 

This workshop was about a special walk with unusual discoveries and with many opportunities to experiment! 



This time it's not about a mouth and nose protection, but the creative "face disguise" inspired by the African masks, superheroes, comics and anime that take you in another world. In the world of transformation!

A cooperation with artist Daria Zabolotskaya and with a great team of 10 children and teenagers.

The project was developed within the framework of Kulturrucksack NRW at the Remscheid Music and Art School. Credits for the first four pictures by the wonderful Shirin Nazarova:-)



From Albrecht Dürer to Today's Selfie Cult on Instagram.                                                                                                        Role Models from antiquity to today, a photographic excursion, a hybrid workshop in the time of the pandemic.

A project together with photographer Maurice Kohl and with 9 wonderful children and teenagers. 

The project was developed within the framework of Kulturrucksack NRW at the Remscheid Music and Art School. Credits by Maurice Kohl, Shirin Nazarova, Shio Gogichaishvili, Anton Pilars de Pilar, Frizzi Raupach, Gregor Schmölzer, Kiara Simanco, Nellie Tesmer, Omar & Amir Khudoyberdiev.

In addition to the photographs, a video work was created for the project.



An ongoing artistic project with women. In the context of the meeting place of the music and art school Remscheid.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      It is a participatory, process-oriented course in which various topics are discussed and artistically implemented. Different techniques are used, from painting to drawing, from photography to collage and video. Some of the women have a migration background and refugee experience. 


Credits by Aynur, Britta, Hannelore, Ulrike, Maggy, Edith and Lilaf.


Online photo workshops in the "Corona period"                                                                                                                          As part of the online teaching program of the art and music school of the city of Remscheid/Germany

March 25/2020

Workshop Vol.1 - Journey through my room

Lecturer: Teona Gogichaishvili

Musik- und Kunstschule der Stadt Remscheid



April 1/2020

Workshop Vol.2 - Three Colors Trilogy

Lecturer: Teona Gogichaishvili

Musik- und Kunstschule der Stadt Remscheid


April 8/2020

Workshop Vol.3 - Self-portrait with hat

Lecturer: Teona Gogichaishvili

Musik- und Kunstschule der Stadt Remscheid


April 29/2020

Workshop Vol.6 - Gesichter

Lecturer: Teona Gogichaishvili

Musik- und Kunstschule der Stadt Remscheid

Tutorial Projects

Photography workshops: Experimental photography and analog alienation techniques


Workshop for the girls at the HOLLA  incorporated association


Workshop at the Fürsteneck Castle Academy 


Workshop at the ALANUS University for Art and Society

Something personal about me

° What do I like to deal with: reading, daydreaming, endless research... 

° What interests me besides photography, art, film, music and literature: astronomy

° What else would I have liked to become: astronaut

° How to move: I have been practicing Ashtanga Yoga for eight years 

° What I always miss: The eternal summer at my grandparents' house in Guria, in western Georgia 

° What am I doing secretly: writing

° Guilty pleasure: Some musical sins of the '80s and '90s and "Mon chéri"

° The love of my life: Luka and Shio

° What else matters: Friends who know how I am and still love me 

Anything else

° I love to communicate with people, to develop ideas together, to connect different cultures

° In my workshops, seminars and portfolio reviews I prefer to pick people up where they stand and support each individual to go their own way

° I'm especially interested in artistic and documentary photography. The topics of origin, emigration, young positions and women in photography and art are especially in my focus

° My artistic works are mostly conceptual, partly autobiographical, at the moment a mixture of text and image. I like to work with analogue technology and experiment with the alternative process

Photo by Luka Gogichaishvili, Berlin 2024